Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 90F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..
A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds light and variable.
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HUNTINGTON — West Virginia American Water announced the recipients of its 10th annual Firefighting Support Grant program, which will provide more than $19,000 in financial assistance to 21 fire departments across the state.
Fire departments in Cabell, Boone and Logan counties received funding for specific items.
Barboursville Volunteer Fire Department received $1,000 to purchase armored gloves, the Huntington Fire Department received $1,000 to purchase cordless drills, and the Ohio River Road Volunteer Fire Department received $993 to purchase helmets and personal floatation devices.
In Boone County, Madison Volunteer Fire Department received $1,000 to purchase roof hooks, Racine Volunteer Fire Department received $1,000 to purchase helmets, and Whitesville and Volunteer Fire Department received $1,000 to fund training to stop bleeding from traumatic incidents.
Lake Volunteer Fire Department in Logan County received $1,000 to purchase a ground monitor.
“This annual grant program remains a valuable, lifesaving resource for fire departments and emergency management agencies across the state,” said Robert Burton, president of West Virginia American Water. “We applaud our first responders who we consider heroes for continuing to serve on the frontlines every day to keep West Virginians safe and protected.”
Since 2013, West Virginia American Water’s Firefighting Support Grant has awarded 134 grants totaling more than $112,000 to fire departments and emergency management agencies across the state.
West Virginia American Water serves over 500,000 people in the state and is the largest investor-owned water utility in the state.
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