Should I fire a worker who lied about his COVID vax status?

2022-06-25 04:45:05 By : Ms. Rose Xiao

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I have a strong performer on my team who admitted to lying about his vaccination status. What do I do?

You fire him. Now, before all of the anti-vaxxers write in hurling your eloquent “fan mail” at me, let me explain. This is not about his decision to not get vaccinated. I support that. I also don’t think employers should fire people for not getting vaccinated. I do think employers should fire people for lying, because that is a serious character flaw. Where does the lying stop? And I’m not talking about “yes boss, that was a great idea” or “yes your kids are the most beautiful ever.” They don’t have the right to do lie about a vaccination status, particularly when other people are making important health decisions for themselves based on what you are representing — no matter that individual’s beliefs.

I’m new to the workforce and my employer is now requiring us to return to the office. They’ve said the attire is business casual but I really don’t know exactly what that is, and I don’t want to ask. Of course I’ve done searches online, but that’s even more confusing. Help?

My friend, you want career advice, you Go to Greg. You want sartorial advice? You still Go to Greg. This is easy peasy. Let me tell you what business casual is not, particularly for an entry-level employee. It is not a suit without a tie, or a suit with flip-flops. It’s no suits period. Business casual is also not anything with words on it. No “BALENCIAGA” in rhinestones, no statements, nothing. Business casual is also no shorts. Ever. Last definitive faux pas is anything loud, Hawaiian, or anything that causes anyone to say “what is he wearing…and why?” That still leaves a wide range for personal style that won’t get you noticed for the wrong reasons. Head into the best clothing store you can afford, where the clothes feel like things you would wear confidently, and ask the best-dressed salesperson to help you put together some flexible pieces that you can mix and match. And splurge on several pairs of good-quality shoes. Trust me on this.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Weds. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. E-mail: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande">