Police say suspects fired first in officer-involved shooting, warrant shows | Headlines | insidenova.com

2022-09-10 04:29:40 By : Mr. Leon Xiong

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Prince William County Assistant Police Chief Jarad Phelps, left, and Manassas Police Chief Doug Keen speak to reporters in Dale City after two men were wounded in a police-involved shooting Sept. 1, 2022.

Prince William County Assistant Police Chief Jarad Phelps, left, and Manassas Police Chief Doug Keen speak to reporters in Dale City after two men were wounded in a police-involved shooting Sept. 1, 2022.

Police say they were shot at first in an alleged exchange of gunfire during an undercover drug sting in Dale City last week.

Jaiden Malik Carter, 19, of Dale City, died Sunday after the shooting on Sept. 1. A search warrant filed Tuesday in Prince William County Circuit Court indicates investigators believe they were shot at first. The warrant does not indicate who among the three people involved in the incident fired a weapon.

A confidential informant and an undercover Manassas city detective arranged to purchase 1,000 pills of Fentanyl and one firearm from a suspect for $6,000 on Sept. 1 in the area of 14700 Fox Glove Court, a townhouse community off Cloverdale Road, according to the search warrant. 

The search warrant says that three suspects arrived in a vehicle and two of them, identified as Carter and Jalil Michael Turner, 18, got into the undercover detective’s car for the purchase. The filing says that 30-year-old Shane Dareon Pollard of Woodbridge remained in the driver’s seat of the suspect vehicle.

During the purchase, the warrant says that video inside the undercover vehicle shows Turner pulled out a gun and demanded money from the detective. 

After stealing the money, the warrant says Carter and Turner got back in their vehicle. The vehicle attempted to flee the area as members of the Northern Virginia Safe Streets Taskforce converged on the scene.

The warrant says that responding officers were “immediately fired upon, resulting in assisting officers returning fire” and hitting Carter and Pollard. Turner was not injured.

In surveillance video released by police from a nearby home, smoke can be seen coming from the vehicle as police surround it, but it’s unclear if that is from shots hitting it or being fired from it.

The 12-minute video shows the shooting and the vehicle driving in reverse before crashing into parked cars. One person, who appears unharmed, is ordered out of the vehicle and arrested. Police do not approach the vehicle during the eight minutes after the shooting that are included on the video.

Officers, who swarmed the scene in unmarked vehicles, cannot be heard identifying themselves before any shots are fired on the video.

Police have said they recovered two handguns, one of them illegally modified to be fully automatic with an extended magazine. The search warrant notes “firearms, spent shell casings, bullet fragments.”

Two Prince William and two Manassas police detectives were involved in the exchange of gunfire, according to authorities, and they have been placed on routine administrative leave pending the outcome of the criminal and internal investigations. No agency involved in the shooting will be part of the criminal investigation.

Police have declined to say if there is any body-worn camera footage from the shooting.

Arlington County Police, handling the investigation through a regional Critical Incident Response Team agreement, have charged Turner and Pollard in connection with the shooting. Turner is charged with robbery resulting in a death and use of a firearm in a felony. 

Pollard is charged with robbery resulting in death and will also be served outstanding warrants in connection with an unrelated October carjacking, according to police. 

The search warrant was filed by an Arlington County detective seeking DNA swabs from Turner to compare to evidence at the scene.

Nolan Stout covers Prince William County. Reach him at nstout@insidenova.com or @TheNolanStout on Facebook and Twitter.

Police on Wednesday released new details and surveillance video of the scene of an officer-involved shooting in Dale City last week, but left …

Nolan Stout covers Prince William County. Reach him at nstout@insidenova.com or @TheNolanStout on Facebook and Twitter.

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There was a problem reporting this.

Nolan Stout be a real journalist. Stop trying to fan the flames of racial and anti police sentiment. It's so evident in every thing you report on.

Nolan Stout, what a sleeze ball you are.

George just can't stay away from the comment section.

Great job by the police. Thankfully none were injured.

Sigh. Again, InsideNova misrepresents the information. Smoke is the result of combustion. Smoke is NOT seen rising from the vehicle. What is clearly visible are geysers of fine particulate matter, aka dust. Who shot first? Doesn't matter. Officers are legally obliged to use their firearms if they believe that doing so will prevent further loss of life. In this case, I would say the officers' judgment was sound. A firearm had already been pointed at an officer prior to engagement, which is an expression of lethal intent. Nice try, but no doubt can be sown here

Even if they didn’t fire their weapon, robbing the undercover agent was just enough reason to send him to the heaven gates. I despise robbers and thieves with a passion. If the body cam proves to be true, that’s open and shut.

These officers could have lost their lives. The streets are safer.

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