Obituary: Bill Gilson April 5, 2022 – Los Alamos Reporter

2022-05-14 22:21:37 By : Mr. tony Teng

In Celebration of Bill’s Life

He sits in a long hall by a comfy fire, a fireman’s helmet by one hand, a farmer’s hat by the other. The ancestors greet him with pride & welcome.

May his memory be a blessing forever. Bill Gilson was always a helper. He enjoyed doing things for other people and being part of a larger community. While shy about accepting public acknowledgement of his contributions, he was often there to lend what aid he could.  He could surprise you as there was always something more to learn about Bill; goat wrangler, audiobook aficionado, heated cat pillow, green thumb with succulents, donkey whisperer, juggler, perpetuator of The Moose Song, creator of excellent baklava, sword & shield wielder, and so much more. His memory will be carried on by a feral housewife, a much admired brother, a treasured sister, a cherished mother, a deeply appreciated grandmother, a respected sister-in-law, much loved niece and nephews, extended family-in-law, a host of additional family and good friends, 5 impudent cats, and 1 elderly oblivious dog.  

Much of his childhood and young adult years were spent in Socorro, NM until moving to northern New Mexico in 2002. He soon became a student at University of New Mexico-Los Alamos (UNM-LA) and went on to gain an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. He travelled up the rungs from student employee to IT Director. 

Living in La Madera, NM, Bill joined the local volunteer Fire & EMS crew in Ojo Caliente. He spent several days at the Socorro Fire Academy learning about fire response and emergency medicine. He also went on to complete the EMT program at UNM-LA. 

Another love of his was the Shire of Bryngolau in Los Alamos, a local group of the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) where he enjoyed recreating the life of a medieval trader. The Shire often attended larger SCA events and Bill greatly enjoyed those week-long camping trips. He served as the Knight Marshal for the Shire before passing. 

On the night of April 5, 2022, an unexpected massive heart attack took Bill far too early at age 45. It was very swift and he will be deeply missed for a very long time. 

If you wish to make donations in Bill’s name, please consider the Ojo Caliente Volunteer Fire & EMS, the Shire of Bryngolau, or an animal rescue group of your choosing. If you wish to send condolences, you may contact the family via his widow, Susan Voss, PO Box 371, Ojo Caliente, NM 87549. An Ash-Spreading Ceremony will be announced at a later date. 

Ojo Caliente Volunteer Fire & EMS  PO Box 245, Ojo Caliente, NM 87549 (505) 583-2448

Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)  Shire of Bryngolau C/O Alethea Banar 693 46th Street Los Alamos, NM 87544

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