New breathing apparatus purchased for Cherokee County firefighters | Local News |

2022-08-20 03:45:37 By : Mr. Tend Manager

Cherokee Fire and Emergency Services purchased nearly 200 new breathing apparatuses.

Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services has completed an over two-year project to replace all its self-contained breathing apparatuses. The older equipment will be used for training.

Cherokee Fire and Emergency Services purchased nearly 200 new breathing apparatuses.

Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services has completed an over two-year project to replace all its self-contained breathing apparatuses. The older equipment will be used for training.

Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services has completed the replacement of all self-contained breathing apparatuses, the department announced.

An SCBA is a device worn to provide breathable air in an atmosphere that is immediately dangerous to life or health.

The department has finished an over two-year process that began in 2020 after two Cherokee County firefighters completed a SCBA Certified Technician II certification course, and determined the department’s existing equipment needed replacing.

The department purchased 198 3M Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBAs over two and a half years for $1.1 million, including 125 funded using $739,150 in American Rescue Plan Act funds.

All SCBAs used in field operations are now the same which according to the fire department will help improve firefighter safety and operability. The SCBAs that were replaced have been assigned to the Fire Training Division for recruit school and training classes.

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