Jared Lloyd's mom files wrongful death suit against Spring Valley NY

2022-09-10 04:21:41 By : Ms. Gabriella Guo

SPRING VALLEY – Jared Lloyd’s mother has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Spring Valley officials, two rabbis charged criminally with causing the fatal 2021 fire, and the owners of the Evergreen Court Home for Adults.

The 30-page legal action argues the village, its inspectors, and the owners and employees of the adult home, acted recklessly by knowingly allowing dangerous conditions to remain and neglecting to properly inspect or repair the Lafayette Street facility.

Lloyd, 35, the father of two young boys, died on March 23, 2021, as he and other firefighters rescued 112 adult home residents. The fire caused parts of the building to collapse on top of him as he searched for any remaining residents. Adult home resident Oliver Hueston, 72, died from the fire and other firefighters and residents suffered injuries.

Lawsuit: Jared Lloyd's mother files wrongful death lawsuit

'You want to see him again:' 1 year after Evergreen Court fire, Lloyd's loss, questions linger

Evergreen Court: Before Jared Lloyd's death in Evergreen Court, calls to facility raised concern

Those named “caused, created dangerous, defective, unsafe and hazardous condition,” the lawsuit filed Tuesday claims.

The lawsuit, filed by attorney Charles Green in New York State Supreme Court on behalf of Lloyd’s mother, Sabrail Davenport, as an administrator of her son’s estate, seeks undisclosed financial compensation for emotional and psychological loss and punitive damages.

The lawsuit names the facility’s owners, the Schoenberger family of Monsey and Lakewood, New Jersey; employees Denise Kerr and former worker Emmanual Lema; Spring Valley and two inspectors, Wayne Ballard, who then ran the building department, and Ray Canario, then an inspector and a fire chief; and Rabbi Nathaniel Sommer and his son Rabbi Aaron Sommer.

The rabbis are accused of causing the fire after using a 20-pound blow torch to cleanse the facility’s ovens and kitchen for the Passover observances. The building caught fire after they left for another Schoenberger adult facility on Prospect Street.

Their attorney, Jacob Laufer, filed a legal action asking Judge Kevin Russo to dismiss the indictment, including counts of manslaughter, negligent homicide, reckless endangerment, and assaults. Prosecutors want the request rejected. On Wednesday in County Court in New City, Russo told the attorneys he needed more time to read the legal papers and could render a decision by Sept. 28.

Russo has dismissed some felony counts against Ballard and Canario relating to filing false business records. Allegations they filed false inspection reports with the state remain.

Rockland District Attorney Thomas Walsh reached agreements with Kerr and Lema to resolve their charges. Both Kerr and Lema testified before a grand jury in the case against Nathaniel and Aaron Sommer.

The Schoenbergers have not been charged criminally, but the state has cited several of their adult facilities for sanitary and unsafe conditions as well as other issues concerning their clients – many of whom are older, infirmed, and have disabilities.

Their attorney, Lee Vartan, said he could not immediately respond to the lawsuit, as he said he is traveling. Laufer said he has no comment. Spring Valley Mayor Alan Simon didn't immediately respond. Ballard and Canario have maintained the charges against them have nothing to do with the Evergreen Home for Adults fire.

Ballard's attorney Sanford Talkin said Ballard has not been served with the lawsuit. 

"In any event, the allegations in Mr. Ballard’s current case have nothing to do with the fire at Evergreen and he did not act in any manner or way that is even tangentially related to the fire," Talkin said. "He, like all other citizens of Rockland County, continues to express his condolences to the family for this tragedy." 

Steve Lieberman covers government, breaking news, courts, police, and investigations. Reach him at slieberm@lohud.com. Twitter: @lohudlegal.

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