10 Characters From The Boys Whose Costumes Describe Them Perfectly

2022-07-30 03:16:19 By : Ms. Anne zhang

As The Boys shows, a superhero costume can say a lot about the person who wears it.

If one thing were just as important to a superhero as their powers, it would be their supersuit. A costume is a superhero's signature, and the best costumes reflect the powers of the hero who wears it. If the hero can fly, a cape is a great addition, or heat-resistant material for heroes with fire powers makes sense.

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Most superheroes costumes could be recognized by the average person and could help determine what abilities the hero may have. The costume helps the hero tell their story without having to say a word. The same is true for the supes in The Boys.

Homelander's supersuit is decked out in red, white, and blue with golden eagles on the shoulders and an American flag cape. Marketed as America's greatest hero it only makes sense that Homelander would look so violently patriotic.

Extreme patriotism tends to breed nationalism, which often leads to violence, and violence is the one thing that is certain when Homelander is involved. With violence in mind, Homelander's gloves being red was a perfect choice. Homelander always seems to have blood on his hands, so red gloves are a perfect way to say that subtlety.

There is no mistaking The Deep as a water-related hero when looking at his costume. The suit is a tight-fitting wetsuit with a green and gold color scheme to parody the iconic look of DC's Aquaman. The top is sleeveless to allow for better range of motion for swimming.

The gauntlets and boots both have some type of fin-like structures on them to mimic those of a fish. The entire suit has a scale pattern on it to make it look more fish-like. One look, and it's easy to tell The Deep deals with water.

Black Noir is perfectly described as the "Silent Knight." Noir relies heavily on stealth to accomplish his goals, using it along with his mastery of martial arts to take down his enemies. Noir's entire black outfit perfectly matches his use of stealth and makes him look like a ninja.

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The all-black all-encasing costume also serves as armor for Noir. Not only does it protect him physically, but it serves to hide the disfigurement he received at the hand of Soldier Boy. The fact that Noir is mute helps make him feel like a menacing mystery able to take on nearly any threat.

Soldier Boy is an obvious parody of Marvel's Captain America. Their costumes are nearly identical, the military-esque suit, the tight-fitting mask/helmet combo, and a shield. Although, there are some differences between the two, with Soldier Boy being in darker colors similar to a real military uniform.

It also appears that Soldier Boy's vest is made of extremely durable material able to handle the nuclear blasts from his chest. The shield Soldier Boy wields comes to a point, which worked well for him since he used the it to attack others by smashing them.

Unlike most other heroes in The Boys, there is a lot of focus on Starlight's outfit early on in the series. Starlight's original suit is a white and gold outfit with star motifs. The stars and color scheme are a play on her ability to shoot focused light beams. The white color also alludes to the pure/naive nature of Starlight, she truly believes in the idea of superheros being saviors of the less fortunate.

Shortly after Starlight joined The Seven, Vaught changes her suit design. Vaught makes Starlight wear a more revealing outfit that plays into sexist views of women. The suit is a perfect example of corporate control and controlling what women wear. Starlight eventually stands up for herself and returns to her original suit.

Drawing inspiration from another powerful female superhero, Wonder Woman, Queen Maeve's outfit is designed to show she is a powerhouse. Adding to the Wonder Woman connection is Maeve's tiara, which has a similar but distinctly different design to DC's classic heroine.

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Maeve's ensemble includes an armored breastplate and a single pauldron to mimic the armor of a medieval warrior. The warrior queen also wears two metal vambraces that she uses to block attacks, such as Homelander's heat vision, and are another nod to Wonder Woman. Queen Maeve's outfit is made for a queen of combat.

A-Train is the main speedster of The Boys universe, and his speed is the most important thing to him. Like real-life athletes, A-Train is focused on being the best and fastest in the world. His super suit reflects his athlete mindset. The suit is a tight-fitting athletic wear material made to keep him cool, reduce friction, and allow a great range of motion.

The specially designed sunglasses that A-Train has are also a must to help his eyes from drying out while running at fast speeds. Unlike a lot of supes who wear boots, A-Train's shoes look like running shoes. The only armor he has are on his shins to protect his legs and a clear plate on his chest, perhaps to foreshadow the heart problems he experiences.

Termite does not appear on-screen in any sort of clothing let alone a specialized suit. However, running in the nude perfectly fits the shrinking hero. Termite's abilities allow him to shrink to small sizes, but the catch is that he can only shrink himself. Any kind of clothing Termite wears would be left useless on the floor the moment he used his powers.

A cool supersuit is pointless for Termite. The fact that Termite is nude in every instance also reflects how he uses his powers. Termite almost exclusively used his powers for something sexual, and only used them for combat when The Boys tried to capture him.

Lamplighter's ability was pyrokinesis, and his supersuit and accessories helped accent this. The thing about Lamplighter that really stood out was his lamp staff. He needed a constant flame so that he could use his abilities, and the giant metal lamp stand served that purpose while also being menacing.

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Lamplighter also sported a hooded cloak, this added to his menacing look and was fireproof to protect himself from the flames he controlled. The flame-wielding hero also wears special goggles to protect his eyes from the light he creates from his fire.

Gunpowder was a supe with incredible marksmanship, including the ability to do unbelievable trick shots. Since his ability is marksmanship, Gunpowder needs firearms to use his ability, and he never lacks one. Gunpowder carries at least two pistols, Desert Eagle Mark XIXs, and an assault rifle.

He is also decked out in armor including a helmet that, in the comics, has a visor that makes it reminiscent of Judge Dredd. Across his chest, Gunpowder wears two bullet bandoliers. Even his car plays into his gun-toting persona by having the plate '2A4-EVER' meaning "2nd Amendment forever."

NEXT: The 10 Best Superhero Costumes In The DC Animated Universe

When he isn't chugging blue milk Star Wars style Wes can normally be found gaming on PC or looking for the next hit show. If he isn't watching something or gaming he's probably chasing down one of his many animals. Life never stops and is never boring.

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