Renewable energy to the rescue as electricity suppliers flop – The Sun Nigeria

2022-07-23 03:12:13 By : Ms. Tinnie Lau

By Maduka Nweke, [email protected]  

Nigerians cannot forget the ugly experiences of continued low power generation. Many believe that successive governments have hands in the problems of electricity supply in the country. Year in year out huge budgets are allocated to boost electricity in the country but without any significant result to show.

Not even the name chamge form Nigeria Electricity Power Authority of Power Holdding Company has helped to redeem the battered image of power service providers in the country, over these years.

Today, the major challenges within the Nigerian power sector, borders on outages and unreliable services, against which Nigerian government appears to to have taken some radical actions by  enacting the Electric Power Sector Reform Act of 2005, for the unbundling of the national power utility company into a series of 18 successor companies. This included six generation companies, 12 distribution companies covering all 36 Nigerian states and a national power transmission company. The act stipulated that ownership of these companies be granted to the Bureau of Public Enterprises (the privatisation arm of the federal government) and the Ministry of Finance Incorporated. This unbundling paved the way for an ambitious privatization program to be carried out by the Bureau of Public Enterprises in Nigeria. Those who canvassed the unbundling made way and bought into the company.

tration, PHCN ceased to exist. In its stead, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) was formed. The independent regulatory agency, as provided in the Electric Power Sector Reform Act of 2005 was tasked with monitoring and regulating the Nigerian electricity industry, with a view to issuing licences to market participants, and ensuring compliance with market rules and operating guidelines. This could not solve the problems no ameliorate them. As if that was not enough, the Gencos, Dencos and the Transmission company came into existence.

Although, ways of stabilising the power generation the private sector were being experimented. This method was heightened with programme in climate change. The earth temperature is rising and causing heat waves in several regions.

Some regions in the third world countries have been battling with the epidemic of the shortage of water.

Although, the concept of solar energy is not new and has been around for years, it is something that makes sure that none of the energy is wasted, but in fact, conserved. The sun rays reach our earth every day at no cost. It is wise to use that energy for the betterment of our own environment. Solar energy works by converting the energy from the sun into electricity for homes/offices. Consider our sun to be as powerful as a nuclear reactor. Only in this, the entire process is natural. A nuclear reactor ,contains an immense amount of energy, so we can only imagine how much energy the sun radiates. The sun releases tiny packets of energy that travel from the sun to Earth in every hour of the day, there is energy in those tiny packets that can satisfy the global energy needs of electricity for a year at least. If you have seen any solar panels, you will have observed that they do not consist of many parts other than their huge plates. That implies that there is no machinery involved.

You can use solar energy for diverse purposes. You have the option to generate electricity or heat, whatever you want. You can also use solar energy to produce electricity in those areas that do not have access to the energy grid. This means that these areas are in need of a number of resources, including clean water. Without the energy grid, solar energy makes it possible to distill water in areas that have a limited clean water supply.

Solar energy is more than capable of powering satellites in space. You can also integrate the energy into the materials that are needed for buildings. A little while ago, transparent solar energy windows were introduced by some companies as well.

with it also noise pollution in our environment can be eliminated. Those who have to use generators for long periods will understand this dilemma. According to experts, with solar panels, one can forget that you have something on your roof that is constantly producing energy. Many people prefer solar panels over wind or gas turbines which  produces clean energy, but with much noise around them that makes it hard to hang out in the area. That is why you will notice all the wind turbines are located in farms etc. We already know how many underdeveloped nations are still fighting to provide electricity to their towns and cities. Solar energy has come to be the answer to that crisis because it doesn’t take much of our resources and provides us with enough electricity. Since, a lot of failures are associated with power generation, distribution and transmission, enlightened people should use manuals that teach more about solar energy as that could be managed privately with little a minimised government interference.

The good thing about solar panels is that they don’t rely on anything. Whether there are nuclear plants near the area or not, the solar panels work independently and only need to be installed. There are many rural areas where people have understood the gravity of the situation and have installed their very own solar panels.They produce clean energy, and there are no electricity blackouts in the house anymore. One should keep himself busy by reading this kind of article to find out the advantages and disadvantages that come with the package. The solar panels have great advantages even though there are disadvantages, no matter how little. The biggest and foremost benefit of installing solar panels for your home is its cost-effectiveness. It is not as expensive as the usual electricity, and that is a plus for most people. Using solar energy means you have to rely less on utilities for the production of electricity. That makes your monthly bills decrease (which can be a lot). You can also earn a credit on your statement.

Recently, a Real Estate Company named Citadel View Estate (CVE) in Nigeria unveiled an estate where electricity will only come through solar panels. Desirous to use their ingenuity to solve the hydra headed problems of housing and electricity in Nigeria, an entrepreneur, Mr. Kennedy Okonkwo of Nedcomoaks Ltd unveiled a solar powered estate, the (CVE) in Nigeria.

The Citadel View Estate will solve the problem of housing deficit and at the same time solve the epileptic problem of electricity through the use of solar panels. CVE will be deploying cutting-edge solar energy technology and a biogas sewage treatment system, being the first of its kind in Nigeria with a housing model focused on sustainable living. 

Speaking to PropertyMart Okonkwo said, “It is being done alongside other modern technology solutions designed to elevate the living experience of its residents, such as a stealth security system, world-class recreational areas, and water treatment facility”.

The second benefit of solar energy is that it is clean energy. While one may argue that solar panels also generate pollution, that emissions are only limited to the manufacturing process and not after that. As we mentioned above, climate change is real, and the harmful gasses are causing most of it. Power plants and factories emit these gasses. These gasses are harmful to the environment and the ozone layer as they are causing the rise in temperature. Solar energy is a cleaner alternative to conventional energy sources. Solar panels do not emit any kind of gases, which is a huge advantage.

Once you set up your solar panel, you can sleep peacefully knowing that you are not playing a part in negatively impacting our climate and atmosphere. Solar panels are well-known, but they are still incredibly rare if you compare the number of the population who actually uses them. Due to many benefits, solar panels can increase the value of your house, and it should not come as a surprise. Many studies have been conducted, and they found that installing solar panels for your home can increase the market value of the house. More buyers are interested because that will also save them the hassle of going through the installation process.

At the moment, you may not see it as a benefit, but in the longer run, it can be incredibly profitable for you. Whenever you decide to move out of your house or move to a different town, you will be able to earn some extra cash.

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