North Conway Fire Chief Pat Preece (right) provides an overview of the Red Jacket fire of April 30 to North Conway Water Precinct Commissioners (from left) Robert Porter, chair John Santuccio and Suzanne Nelson at their weekly meeting May 11. (TOM EASTMAN PHOTO)
Scorched walls and piles
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CALUMET, Mich. (WLUC) - It was a big race day in the 127th Annual U.P Volunteer Firefighters Tournament.
Crowds of spectators and firefighters watched as the tournament continued on Red Jacket Road. 19 teams of firefighters from departments across the U.P faced off in five unique racing
Photos Provided by Kreg Robinson Local firefighters work to put out a fire during a live burn exercise over the weekend at a farmhouse located just outside of Woodsfield. Pictured from left are Rick Russel, Payton Robinson and Tanner Brown.
WOODSFIELD — Multiple fire departments in
Virginia Beach native Shelby Wolfe has been game for jobs ranging from bartending to skydiving to search-and-rescue missions in which she saw things that haunt her.
Now she’s game for law school at the University of Virginia School of Law, where the incoming first-year student wants to
Sean Dietrich (Photo courtesy of
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South
Late afternoon. The grocery store was busy. It was a big weekend, hurried customers played demolition derby with shopping carts.
Sean Dietrich (Photo courtesy of
I s
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