Tata Martino looked tired and worn as he fidgeted behind the microphone at a news conference earlier this week. The embattled coach of Mexico’s national soccer team has less than two months left to prepare for the World Cup, yet even he has far more questions than answers about the roster h
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KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The KSHB 41 I-Team is diving into the training process and requirements for fire truck drivers.
It's been nine months since the deadly Westport crash. Three people died after a KCFD pumper truck and SUV collided in December.
The fire truck had lights
MSA's M1 SCBA Supports London's Focus on Enhanced Firefighter Safety
PITTSBURGH , July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- MSA Safety Incorporated (NYSE: MSA) today announced it has been awarded a $9 million contract from the London Fire Brigade to supply firefighters with MSA's new M1
Outdoor enthusiasts turning to whitewater rafting to escape the dog days of summer can chase the rapids more safely thanks to the newest ratings from the Virginia Tech Helmet Lab.
Every year, tens of millions of Americans participate in paddle sports, a category that encompasses kayaki
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JAMUL, Calif. — San Diego Humane Society’s Emergency Response Team was called into a precarious situation on September 21.
A young horse named Shocker, in Jamul, somehow found his way into its owner’s empty pool. Shocker’s own
Being a firefighter is a difficult job. But without actually experiencing it, most people never even realize just how easy it can be to get disoriented in the dark, heavy smoke.
That’s what prompted volunteer firefighter Zach Green to start his company, MN8 FoxFire. The company makes h
As Iranian women bare their heads and burn Islamic veils in demonstrations that have met nationwide repression, hopes and emotions are also running high among those living abroad.
Several people have died in protests that broke out after Iranian authorities announced the death of 22-year
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IZYUM, Ukraine —Standing on Liberation Square in the city of Kharkiv, Ukrainian military officer Antolii Sidorenko looks the part of a special operations commander, with a long beard, shaved head, and a pistol on his hip.
In person, he’s hardly the stereotype of the gruff special ope